Friday, May 14, 2010

{My Story}

Reflecting on my past, I can see that my passion for international service began at a young age. I always enjoyed GAs at church and was eager to learn about other cultures and how God was working in those places. Through middle and high school, I was excited to participate in church trips, and I have always had a desire to help other people physically, emotionally, and spiritually. In 2002, at our church’s first Global Impact Celebration, there was a commitment night where people could fill out a card committing to pray for church planters, go on short-term trips, give financially, or even commit to full time service. At that time, I felt the Holy Spirit leading me to commit to full time service; however, for the next six years I didn’t receive any further direction from God, so I started to doubt the legitimacy of that decision and assumed it was a decision that I had simply fabricated myself.
However, as Scripture promises, God is faithful to complete the work He has begun within us, and two summers ago, while studying abroad in Spain, God began stirring that desire for international service in my heart again. Through a close relationship with a Spaniard, God broke my heart for her salvation, and I began to weep for her. I had never cried over someone’s salvation before; this was the initial experience that God used to burden my heart for Spaniards and open my eyes to the idea of international service. As the trip continued, I fell in love with the Spanish people and culture even more. After these experiences, I desired to return the next summer to see if this is indeed the path God has for me.
Last summer, I traveled to various cities in Spain to work with different churches and their ministries in the community. In each city I visited, I built wonderful relationships and got to share the good news with at least one person. Not only did God present many opportunities to share the good news, but He allowed my spiritual gifts to thrive! I have never seen my spiritual gifts as strongly as I did last summer, and it was such a joy to be fully serving God with the gifts He gave me. God also opened multiple doors for me to return to Spain after graduation, confirming that Spain is where He was leading.
One open door was an opportunity to be on a university ministry team in Madrid. I was in contact with the team leaders in Madrid and all of their ideas, passions, and ministry philosophies aligned perfectly with mine, so I automatically assumed this was where God wanted me to be. However, two weeks before my interview in Richmond, I received a phone call from the man saying that there was not enough funding to send me to Madrid and that there probably weren't any other Spain jobs available either. I was upset but at the same time, God gave me an overwhelming peace about the situation and allowed me to surrender my placement to Him. I no longer told God where I wanted to go, but I asked Him to send me where He wanted me to go.
When I got to the interview I found out there was one job available in Seville, Spain, working with children and youth ministry. One day in our small groups we shared our callings, and another girl in my group began to talk about Spain and her love for the people. Later, she approached me and said that the Seville job was written for her, so basically this meant that I couldn't apply for it. However, she told me that she was going to be getting engaged soon and wanted me to have the Seville job! I wasn't sure though because I wanted to work with a university ministry. The next day I had the opportunity to call the team leaders in Seville, and before I could tell the lady about my desire to work with university students, she told me the job would not be with children and youth but rather with university students!! This absolutely sold me on the Seville job, and I was so blown away at how God worked everything out in such a cool way!


Lindsay said...

Lauren, I thank God so much that He had us meet at Candidate Conference. What an emotional weekend for both of us - you wondering why in the world the Madrid job fell through when your calling to Spain was so clear, and me knowing that after 2 years of working to get this job, God had brought someone into my life that I knew I was going to marry yet we weren't engaged yet! I'm so excited for you and the Sevillanos whose lives you're going to impact with the Gospel. A ver si mi marido y yo un dia nos encontramos por alli contigo.

Lauren said...

Lindsey I'm finally in Sevilla!! Check out my latest post with pictures and a little info. More to come this week...i'm a little behind on blogging!