Sunday, October 17, 2010

{Week of Welcoming}

So the first week here was soo crazy and busy, but so much fun! My first day here we had a huge party at my house as a welcome back for the university students, and I got to meet a lot of students who have been involved in Connexxion (the Christian university group with whom I am working). [fiesta pictures below]

The next day, Saturday, I just went to the beach with some of my teammates, and it was really nice to just relax and get to know them better. We also saw a man getting baptized in the ocean, so that was really cool and extremely rare to see here considering there are so few Christians!
Monday, we went to the university to talk to people about English club, and there I met a lot of students, and they gave me their phone numbers so we could hang out again and practice English and Spanish together. Then Monday night we had our first English club where we just spoke English with the students. Every Monday and Wednesday we have English club at the university where we break up into groups and talk about different topics such as family, travel, work, culture, etc. [English club below]
Tuesday we went to the park to hang out with students, and I ended up meeting a lot of new people who weren't with our group. I saw this girl by herself sitting near us, so I went to talk to her and invite her to come hang out with us. She is from Belgium and studying here for the semester. We got along really well and traded phone numbers. Since then we have hung out a lot, and I believe God is going to do something really cool through this relationship! Later in the park, there was a group of medical students playing soccer, and they invited me over to play with them. It was so fun and they were all really cool, but unfortunately I didn't get any of their numbers :( [medical students below]
Wednesday night we had a Bible discussion group called "charlemos" (let's chat) where we talked about the Good Samaritan story and how it relates to our lives. We met in a local sandwich shop and one believer came along with two non-believers. It was a good discussion, and after we went to the festival of nations in a nearby park where there are all sorts of food, vendors, and shops representing different countries. [people from "charlemos"]
Thursday night, we went to a salsa bar to hang out with people and dance salsa, but unfortunately the band didn't show up until 1am and by that time we were super tired and went home to sleep. But it was cool because some new students we had never met before came and we got to build some good relationships with them, and since, they have been coming to a lot of our activities! And Friday was awesome because we had another party at my apartment, and a lot of new students we met during the week came! Hendrik, my teammate, got to share the gospel with a few students and they were really interested! And I also got to learn Sevillanas, which is a very famous dance here in Seville that all the girls do during the Flamenco festival in April. So I'm excited to wear a flamenco dress and do Sevillanas in the spring. [pictures from the back to school party below]

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