Friday, April 22, 2011

{Mission Team}

So in March, a group of college students from my church came to work with us for a week. And my brother, Michael, got to come too so that was really great to have him here with me! This week was super packed with so many activities such as going on campus and doing spiritual surveys with university students, english clubs, days in the park playing ultimate and soccer, and lots of tapas!! We were able to meet a lot of new Spanish students that week in addition to just enjoying the company of the American believers. It was a really fun week blessed with many good spiritual conversations and new friendships. I think the coolest thing that week though was hearing how the Lord worked in so many of the hearts of the American students giving them a burden for Spain and a desire to return to do more long-term stuff.

Two sweet girls, Carmen & Esther, who we were able to meet that week.

Having a picnic in the park one day.

The whole group of American students with two of our friends, David & Jose Luis.

Everyone at the park on the last day! It was an awesome time of food, hanging out, and playing lots of sports!

1 comment:

martha said...

love it... all the photos!! And hearing about your friends, lauren... thanks for the posts!!