Saturday, October 16, 2010

{First Thoughts}

Wow it's so weird to finally be here after waiting for this moment almost two years! Although I was excited to get this job in Seville, I was a little sad that I wouldn't be in Madrid where I originally wanted to work. But now I'm loving Seville and so glad to be here! The city is absolutely beautiful with so much Middle Eastern architecture from when the Moors were in control of Spain, parks on every corner, a covering of palm trees on every road, and a gorgeous river with an infinite number of bridges and riverwalks on which to run or bike. Not only is the city incredible, but the people are so friendly (and really difficult to understand) and always wanting to talk to me (mainly because I speak English) and willing to help. The first three days I was here, I got like 7 phone numbers and emails from students who wanted to hang out with me again...not expected at all but soo welcome! But I think the best part about being here is my team! On my university team, it's a German couple, Maggie and Hendrik, Lauren from Louisiana, and me. Then I have my head boss, David, who pastors the church, and his wife and four children. Then Christy who teaches English in schools. They are absolutely phenomenal and so much fun!! I love hanging out with all of them, and it's a joy to see their passion for this place and what God has called them to do! They will definitely be a great family and support system for me while I am away from friends and family at home. So here are a few pictures of my new home and my teammates...

My dining room...yet to be decorated

My living room...yet to be decorated

My bedroom

Teammates Hendrik and Maggie

Teammate Christy and I in town my first night in Seville


Kels said...

Wait, is that Mary Alice's old apartment? If so, I've been there! :)

Lauren said...

haha yeah girl it is!!! And you're more than welcome to come back again any time you want!