Wednesday, December 8, 2010


It's been interesting being in a different country for Christmas. Although there are some decorations around the city and our church is doing advent, it's just not the same as America. For once in my life I'm actually wanting to hear Christmas music everywhere I go. So needless to say, I've been frequenting Starbucks a lot to get that "Christmas feel" and also listening to Christmas music at my house all the time too. And I've decorated our apartment a little for Christmas- we had a few things already here, so I just kinda worked with what we had. I do miss having a real Christmas tree though and the house smelling like evergreen! I think that is my favorite part of Christmas...well besides celebrating Jesus's birth of course!

I have been reminded lately though that Christmas isn't about the decorations or music or family or food, but it's about Jesus!! And although a part of me misses all the extra stuff, a part of me is very excited just to be here on Christmas and really enjoy and delight in Jesus and his birth!! I think it will be a great time just to read the Christmas story and dwell on the miracle of Christmas! What a true miracle and gift...that the God of the Universe would humble himself by coming to earth as a child in order to save His lost and hurting creation!

So these are a few of our Christmas decorations...Christmas cards from friends and family at home, red candles, and a few homemade construction paper Christmas trees.

This is our little Christmas tree that we had at the house and all the "ornaments" were just found around our house...a little ribbon, some mini Christmas cards, and a few balls. We also had a Christmas party with the students and played Dirty Santa, which they didn't really understand the purpose is to steal presents from other people. They said it was mean to steal presents from others...haha I guess they were being more "Christian" than we were!

For Christmas, Lauren and I got to go to Paris to hang out with some other Journeymen that we know there. It was a great time just to be with fellow believers and friends, seeing a new city and enjoying each other's fellowship. For Christmas, we went to one American family's house and had a big lunch and dinner with lots of American food! At their house, there were about 10 or 15 Americans who live all over the world. We played games, built gingerbread houses, and just had a great time together! It was a really good Christmas for not being able to be at home.
This was a really beautifully decorated building in Paris! I think it's the most beautiful Christmas light arrangement I've ever seen!
Eiffel Tower of course! And well, these are all my pictures from Paris because I'm horrible at remembering to take pictures and frankly just quite lazy. Pictures can never really do things justice either, so I just recommend that all of you go to Paris yourself to experience the beauty!

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