Saturday, December 4, 2010


In November, we took a weekend spiritual retreat with some students. We left Sevilla, and went to a small town a few hours away. It was a great time of worship, Bible study, fellowship, and rest. We played games, watched movies, went hiking, got lost at night while hiking, and ate a lot! But most of all we were there to spend time together learning more about God, encouraging one another as brothers and sisters, and also sharing more with our non-believing friend. It was so cool to see how the Lord opened her heart to ask questions, participate in skits about the Bible, and even sing worship songs!! She really saw who we are as believers and heard more of the truth about Jesus and the new life He wants to give us!

All the guys on the retreat. They were always keeping us entertained!

Our whole group sitting on top of a castle! This was the most beautiful view of the entire area.

On the trail, we found some berries that we could eat, and they were pretty tasty!

All the boys making our lunches before heading off to hike...not the best idea as we ended up with a lot of crazy combinations such as ham and ketchup sandwiches! Yuck!

All of the girls! We had one Spanish girl, Lluvia, come with us on the retreat and it was a great time of learning for her! She has heard the gospel before this trip but during the retreat we had a lot of time to share with her more about God and answer some of her questions. She has recently been coming to church with us and meeting with us to read the Bible together.

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